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Treating TMJ at Cornerstone Dental Centre

Oral health doesn’t only include your teeth and gums. Your jaw joints, known as temporomandibular joints, are critical to your oral health. When your jaw is misaligned, you may hear clicking and popping noises when you open and shut your mouth. Cornerstone Dental Centre provides TMJ disorder treatment in Fort Saskatchewan, AB. TMJ can cause severe pain and limit your mobility. We’ll help you find relief with TMJ dental treatments. Contact us today to learn more or make an appointment.

TMJ Treatment in Fort Saskatchewan, AB

What Is TMJ Disorder?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) involves the misalignment of the jaw. The temporomandibular joint connects your lower jaw to your skull. TMJ can cause severe pain throughout the body because the joint perform daily functions like chewing, talking, and yawning.

TMJ Symptoms

The severity of TMJ symptoms can vary very from mild to debilitating. The most common TMJ symptoms include:

  • Extreme jaw pain
  • Stiff muscles around your jaws
  • Chronic migraine headaches
  • Popping or clicking in the jaw
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Limited jaw mobility
  • Earaches
  • Ringing in your ears

What Are Common TMJ Causes?

Since the temporomandibular joints connect your lower jaw to your skull, they have critical nerves. Many issues can stress this region’s nerves, joints, and muscles. The most common causes of TMJ include:

  • A blow to the jaw
  • Grinding your teeth
  • A misaligned jaw
  • Arthritis
  • Clenching your jaws due to stress
  • Disc dislocation between the jaw joint’s ball and socket

What Are the Risk Factors for TMJ?

It is possible to have TMJ without any risk factors, but some factors increase the likelihood of developing TMJ. The most common risk factors for TMJ include the following:

  • Clenching your teeth
  • Bad posture
  • Stress
  • Misaligned bite
  • Jaw deformities
  • Jaw trauma
  • Arthritis

What Are TMJ Headaches?

TMJ may cause TMJ headaches. The temporomandibular joint is a busy and powerful joint with many blood vessels, nerves, and muscles surrounding it. If you have minor headaches or migraines, they may be caused by the inflammation of stress of the temporomandibular joint.

TMJ Treatment

We will consult with you about the best TMJ treatment to fit your needs. The most common forms of TMJ treatment include:

  • Resting your jaw
  • Applying ice and heat
  • Night guards or splints
  • Prescription medication
  • Dental treatments to help align teeth

Frequently Asked TMJ Treatment Questions

Does TMJ require surgery?

No, surgery is not the first option for treating TMJ. You should consider surgery when conservative treatments cannot manage your symptoms.

Will TMJ treatments alleviate my facial pain?

Yes, each phase of TMJ treatment helps to address your facial pain. We work on stabilizing the jaw to resolve your facial pain.

Do popping jaw joints mean I have TMJ?

It is possible you have TMJ if you have popping joints, but we will not diagnose you with TMJ for only popping joints. Popping joints could indicate a temporary misalignment of your jaw.

How is TMJ diagnosed?

We conduct an extensive oral exam to determine if you have TMJ.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Let us help you with a TMJ dental treatment. Our team will perform a thorough dental exam to determine if you have TMJ. We encourage using our online booking form to book a visit with our experienced team today. Give us a call or schedule online today and discover the Cornerstone difference.

We’re the Thorough Dentists Fort Saskatchewan Trusts