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Get the Benefits of General Dentistry

Every aspect of dentistry has come a long way in recent years. Gone are the days of painful root canals and sub-standard preventative dentistry. Advances in technology have allowed Cornerstone Dental Centre to provide general dentistry to Fort Saskatchewan patients that prevent long-term damage to their teeth and restores their smiles. Regular cleanings and examinations are an essential component of any oral hygiene plan and can be essential to preventing serious diseases in the future.  

What Can I Expect from General Dentistry?

At Cornerstone Dental Centre, our dentists perform a variety of valuable dental services. We perform general dentistry on Fort Saskatchewan patients, whether they are in need of significant cosmetic repairs or dental sealants to prevent cavities. Whether you’re a new patient or you’ve been a part of our family for years, our dental team will be sure to provide you with top-quality care that will leave you feeling and looking your best. While our general dentistry services are varied, here are some of our most popular procedures: 

Dental Bridges Treatment
Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are two or more crowns (fake exterior teeth) that are used to replace missing teeth and anchor the surrounding healthy dentistry. Beyond the cosmetic reasons to replace missing teeth, there are practical ones, as your other teeth shift to compensate for lost teeth, possibly leading to more tooth and bone loss.

Learn More About Dental Bridges
Fluoride Treatment in Fort Saskatchewan, AB

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods you consume every day that helps to restore minerals to your teeth. It also happens to be the great enemy of bacteria. Send it scampering the other way with a topical application of fluoride. Fluoride coats the surface of your teeth and protects them from cavities.

Learn More About Fluoride
Preventative Dental Care Services in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Preventative Care

Preventative care is a wide array of services, all designed to keep your teeth strong, avoid cavities, and prevent enamel wear. Making and keeping your regular cleaning appointment is key to preventative care, as brushing and flossing are not enough on their own. This includes regular dental and oral screenings, x-rays, and full cleanings.

Learn More About Preventative Care
Periodontal Disease Treatment in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Periodontal Care

Periodontal disease is caused by an accumulation of plaque and tarter at the roots of your teeth. The result is an infection of the gums, which can lead to bad breath, bleeding while brushing and flossing, and loose teeth.

Learn More About Periodontal Care
Root Canal Therapy in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Root Canal Therapy

Root canals, or the removal of decayed pulp material in the teeth, are used to preserve severely decayed teeth that may have to be extracted otherwise. Fortunately, gone are the days of excruciating pain during a root canal. Today, due to advancements in analgesics and technology, root canals result in very little pain, leaving patients with repaired teeth and manageable soreness.

Learn More About Root Canals
Dental Sealant Treatment in Fort Saskatchewan, AB

Even if you brush and floss regularly, there are deep crevices that can collect plaque. This is where we come in. Our dentists can apply sealant to those spaces and prevent harmful acids from harming your teeth.

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Custom Nightguards in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Nightguards & Sports Guards

Nightguards are custom made plastic trays that are designed to keep your jaw in place during the night. If you grind your teeth at night (or bruxing), you may be a candidate for a nightguard. In addition to causing general discomfort and jaw pain, bruxism can cause long-term damage to your teeth. Patients who play competitive sports like hockey need sports guards to protect their teeth.

Learn More About Nightguards & Sports Guards

Contact Us Today

Continuing to see your dentist is important. General dentistry helps to prevent long-term damage by correcting existing problems like gingivitis or missing teeth and guarding against the factors that cause cavities by applying sealants and performing diligent dental cleanings. Feel free to use our online form or contact us today at 780-998-4800 to schedule an appointment today. 

We’re the Thorough Dentists Fort Saskatchewan Trusts