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Meet the Dentists

Dr. Danielle Swanson. DDS

Dr. Danielle Swanson


Hello! I’m Dr. Danielle Swanson, and I’m delighted to be part of the dental team here, bringing my passion for comprehensive and cosmetic dentistry to our valued patients. I earned my Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Toronto in 2017 and have been dedicated to enhancing smiles ever since.

Born and raised in Edmonton, I am especially excited to now serve the community of Fort Saskatchewan. From a young age, after my own braces experience, I knew I wanted to become a dentist. This early aspiration has driven my enthusiasm for all aspects of dentistry, with a particular focus on cosmetic treatments. Whether it’s veneers, crowns and bridges, Botox, or Invisalign, I am committed to helping patients achieve their ideal smiles.

When I’m not at the clinic, I love spending quality time with my husband, daughter, and son. My hobbies include building intricate Lego sets, indulging in creative crafts, and losing myself in a good book.

I look forward to meeting you and working together to create a smile that not only looks great but feels great too. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a consultation or discuss any of your dental needs.

Dr. Steve Lim, DDS

Dr. Steve Lim


Welcome to our practice! I’m Dr. Steve Lim, and I’m thrilled to bring my years of experience in dentistry to the Fort Saskatchewan communities. I graduated from the University of Toronto in 2017 with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and have been dedicated to providing exceptional dental care ever since.

With a broad skill set in general dentistry, I take pride in offering comprehensive care for all your dental needs. I have a particular passion for emergency dentistry, where I find great satisfaction in addressing urgent issues and providing relief to patients in critical situations.

Outside the clinic, I enjoy capturing moments through photography, watching a good tv show and staying active through regular workouts. Most importantly, I cherish the time spent with my family, who keep me grounded and inspired.

I look forward to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Feel free to reach out to schedule an appointment or just to chat about any dental concerns you may have.

We’re the Thorough Dentists Fort Saskatchewan Trusts